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Engineering DesignEngineering design is a process of devising a system, component, or process to meet desired needs and specifications within constraints. It is an iterative, creative, decision-making process in which the basic sciences, mathematics, and engineering sciences are applied to convert resources into solutions. Engineering design involves identifying opportunities, developing requirements, performing analysis and synthesis, generating multiple solutions, evaluating solutions against requirements, considering risks, and making trade- offs, for the purpose of obtaining a high-quality solution under the given circumstances. For illustrative purposes only, examples of possible constraints include accessibility, aesthetics, codes, constructability, cost, ergonomics, extensibility, functionality, interoperability, legal considerations, maintainability, manufacturability, marketability, policy, regulations, schedule, standards, sustainability, or usability.


Engineering ScienceEngineering sciences are based on mathematics and basic sciences but carry knowledge further toward creative application needed to solve engineering problems. These studies provide a bridge between mathematics and basic sciences on the one hand and engineering practice on the other.

1. CurriculumThe curriculum must include mathematics through differential equations, biological and engineering sciences consistent with the program educational objectives and applications in agriculture, aquaculture, forestry, human, or natural resources.

1. CurriculumThe program must demonstrate that graduates can apply mathematics through differential equations, calculus-based physics, and chemistry. The four basic architectural engineering curriculum areas are building structures, building mechanical systems, building electrical systems, and construction/construction management. Graduates are expected to reach the synthesis (design) level in one of these areas, the application level in a second area, and the comprehension level in the remaining two areas. The engineering topics required by the general criteria shall support the engineering fundamentals of each of these four areas at the specified level. Graduates are expected to discuss the basic concepts of architecture in a context of architectural design and history.

1. CurriculumThe curriculum must include mathematics through differential equations, college-level chemistry and biology, advanced biological sciences, and applications of engineering to biological systems.

1. CurriculumThe program must prepare graduates to apply knowledge of mathematics through differential and integral calculus, probability and statistics, general chemistry, and calculus-based physics; to analyze and design construction processes and systems in a construction engineering specialty field, applying knowledge of methods, materials, equipment, planning, scheduling, safety, and cost analysis; to explain basic legal and ethical concepts and the importance of professional engineering licensure in the construction industry; to explain basic concepts of management topics such as economics, business, accounting, communications, leadership, decision and optimization methods, engineering economics, engineering management, and cost control.

The curriculum must include probability and statistics, including applications appropriate to the program name; mathematics through differential and integral calculus; sciences (defined as biological, chemical, or physical science); and engineering topics (including computing science) necessary to analyze and design complex electrical and electronic devices, software, and systems containing hardware and software components.

This course is an extension of systems engineering by addressing the needs to better train and prepare students to use model-based techniques to solve complex design problems. This multi-disciplinary class is designed to use a model-based systems engineering approach to transform a set of customer needs, expectations, and constraints into a solution and to support that solution throughout its lifecycle. Students will utilize SySML, a general-purpose modeling language, for developing complex systems composed of hardware, software, information, personnel, procedures, and/or facilities. Through the use of SySML students will gain an understanding of structural, behavioral, parametric, and requirements models and their application. Students will also learn how these models can be used to inform other domain specific activities or subordinate models.

The following are some of the general engineering courses offered by other engineering or even sometimes ECE faculty, and are available to all ECE students, satisfying the ECE Elective requirements. For a full list of other engineering courses that may also be available to ECE Students, please see the University Catalog.

The modern world is filled with digital data, arising both from sensor recordings and other information sources. Every day, the amount of data (from audio to video, and from electronic health records to browsing interests and shopping preferences) continues to increase, and there is correspondingly an explosion of demand from industry for engineers who are trained to extract relevant information from such data so that it can be used to improve modern technology and society. This MS degree will provide students with rigorous training in the theory, methods, and applications of data science, machine learning, and signal and information processing. This degree program has been designed specifically for students with a background in electrical and computer engineering or a closely related field, and who intend to use machine learning or data science as a substantial part of their career. It includes courses in pertinent aspects of software and software enigneering, relevant mathematics, machine learning and optimization, deep learning, relevant signal processing knowledge (particularly useful for data that has inherent structure), and a wide variety of application areas to choose from. This degree program can be viewed as a focused version of the more general Master of Science in Electrical Engineering. For students interested specifically in machine learning and data science, this more focused degree program will provide a deeper understanding of this subarea of EE, and a more complete and focused skill set for work in this area.

The curriculum requirements for computer engineering are built around a substantial engineering core curriculum and required courses in electrical engineering and computer science. The requirements in mathematics, the basic sciences, and engineering sciences provide the breadth of exposure required for all engineering disciplines. Basic electrical engineering requirements include circuit theory, electronics and digital devices which are supplemented by upper-level courses in computer architecture, and computer aided design of digital systems. Basic computer science courses include a coordinated sequence providing fundamental knowledge in data structures, algorithms, object oriented programming, software engineering, real-time application and software development tools. These courses are developed across multiple platforms and are based on the Python language. Upper-level courses in data communications and computer networks, algorithms and operating systems are also provided. Students wishing to gain depth of coverage in communications, parallel computing, VLSI, embedded systems or signal processing can achieve this with the availability of technical electives selected from an approved list or in consultation with a faculty advisor. Required courses in communications skills, social sciences and humanities provide studies in non-technical areas that are traditional in a broad-based education. A capstone senior design course requires students to apply newfound knowledge and explore entrepreneurship. Students research and identify a problem and work in teams applying a combination of hardware and software to develop a solution. Critical and final design reviews enable students to develop their professional presentation skills.

The curriculum in electrical engineering has a foundation based on the principles of the electrical and physical sciences and uses mathematics as a common language to facilitate the solution of engineering problems. The core curriculum consists of a sequence of courses in digital devices, circuits and electronics, electromagnetic field theory, and modern energy conversion. In the senior year, students have the opportunity to take additional course work in one or more technical areas that include: telecommunications, electromagnetics, power systems, high voltage, feedback control systems, microelectronics, signal processing, and computer systems. Supporting course work outside electrical engineering consists of a strong background in mathematics, physical sciences, computer programming, social sciences, fine arts, humanities, and communication skills. Computers are used extensively throughout the curriculum, and students are expected to become proficient in higher-order programming languages and several application software tools. Although the concept of design is stressed throughout the program so as to emphasize the problem-solving skills of the engineer, the senior year includes a capstone design experience where much of the previous study is culminated. Through this two-semester design course sequence, students are required to integrate design and analytical problem-solving skills together with communication skills in a team environment.

Electrical and electronics engineers work in industries including research and development, engineering services, manufacturing, telecommunications, and the federal government. Electrical and electronics engineers generally work indoors in offices. However, they may have to visit sites to observe a problem or a piece of complex equipment. 2ff7e9595c

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